The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far …

Sat., Mar. 17, 2018

Psalm 78:2-3 – For I will show you lessons from our history, stories handed down to us from former generations.  

Rick - carToday would have been my father-in-law Tony’s birthday. This morning, I asked Rick if he planned to wear every article of green clothing he owns today. Why? This is what his Dad did on his birthday. In spite of not a lick of Irish blood in his veins, Tony literally wore green from head to toe on his birthday; whether the greens matched or not.

Rick assured me he would not do this today. Yet, in honor of his Dad, Rick wore new sunglasses today. Still with the tag on them. Just like Tony would have.

Tony's hat

This is the hat Tony wore for many summers: driving tractor, mowing lawn, anytime he was outside for an extended period of time. Walmart price tag and all. I considered it his Minnie Pearl hat.

Today, Rick greeted me with Minnie Pearl sunglasses. Price tag and all. When he asked if I had a pair of scissors in the car, I first had to snap a picture before making the sunglasses public ready. As I removed the tags, Rick said, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?”

He is so right. There are things in which Rick is not like his Dad. And then, there are things in which I wonder if I’m living with my father-in-law. Or even, my Dad.

Rick often tells me stories from earlier times. Just like Tony did. I know Rick heard many of these stories a hundred times. There may come a day when I have heard the same story a hundred times. I pray that I am patient enough to simply listen to the story one more time.

These are how traditions, lessons and stories are handed down from generation to generation. These are how little things that make families unique and different are captured and repeated. These are the ways we help our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews understand a little bit more of their heritage.

corned beffWhile Vielhuber is 100% German, we are having traditional corned beef and cabbage tonight. It’s one of Rick’s favorites. The corn beef is buried below the cabbage, carrots and potatoes. It smells heavenly.

By the way, Happy birthday in heaven, Tony. I’m sure you are enjoying every shade of green possible today.

Lord God – thank you for our families and special traditions that come from our heritages. Thank you also claiming us as part of your big family. May the traditions and heritage of being a Christian hold a special place in our hearts. Amen.

Blessings –


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