God’s Sparkling Creation

Mon., Feb. 27, 2017

Psalm 8:3 – I often think of the heavens your hands have made, and of the moon and stars you put in place.

Weather in Wisconsin during the month of February has been bi-polar.

For several days last week, temperatures were in the 60’s and neared 70. A lot of pasty-white legged people broke out shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses. Weather like this in Wisconsin is more apt to happen in April than February. Nearly everyone walked a bit lighter and had a spring in their step. Moods were lightened after a gloomy winter.

But then, the opposite end of the bi-polar spectrum happened by week’s end. Northern Wisconsin woke up to a plus foot of white snow. Right on the edge, we had some snow, some rain, lots of sleet and ice. Friday was another snow, err, ice, day for school kids.

Friday night brought another round of sleet/rain that froze. Yet, the results were absolutely stunning. Ice hanging on tree limbs, woven-wire fences and shrubs. Electrical lines glistened as the sun peaked through the bands of ice hanging below their surfaces. Temperatures remained below freezing Saturday night. This meant for another glorious drive on Sunday while going to church. By yesterday afternoon, the ice was melting and water was dripping from everything.

While Rick and I were in the car on Saturday, his comment to me revolved around how the glistening countryside had to be created by Someone greater than us. Humans just couldn’t pull this one off. It was simply too beautiful.

Gloomy winter days can be depressing. A few days of warmth and sun created lots of spring fever. When the cold temperatures returned, the gloominess stayed at bay and we were the recipients of a beautiful glistening crystal cathedral all around us.

Even if winter isn’t a person’s favorite season, I pray we can be overwhelmed by a God who knows how to dazzle us with a sparkling creation.

Lord God – the handiwork of your paintbrush is often simply too beautiful for words! Whether we experienced your glistening crystal cathedral this past weekend or not, may we look out a window this day and be overwhelmed with the creation you’ve shared with us.  Amen.

Blessings –


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Everyone Needs a Little Sabbath

Tues., Feb. 21, 2017

Ezekiel 20:12 – And I commanded them to respect the Sabbath as a way of showing that they were holy and belonged to me.

A month ago, I shared that Rick and I were soon leaving on vacation, err Sabbath, to Belize. We had a great time. I share a short picture diary to share our Sabbath:

Fishing off the coast from the island where we stayed. We also had our first experience lobstering!


Followed by snorkeling with nurse sharks.


And then having a shore lunch with the fish and lobster we caught.


Visiting a Mayan ruin and looking into Guatemala.


While Rick was not quite sure he wanted to zip line, after a few passes, he was a pro!


Watching the gorgeous sunsets.


Rick took in several naps most days.


One day, in a hammock.


Sunday, ready to leave for worship at a local church.


I ran every day. We walked a lot, tried local food and discovered lots about Belize culture, history and society.

And then, life happened when we returned. Yep, this is why it’s taken a month for me to share our experience.

What did I discover about myself while taking Sabbath?

  • Our first full day in Belize, I was just tired. It took me all morning to get moving. It’s important to stop our normal clocks and allow our bodies to catch up.
  • Every culture has very interesting things to learn. We knew nothing about Belize when we arrived. While I’m not ready to teach a college course on Belize, if you ask local people questions, they are very happy to share. This allows us a much wider view of our world and God.
  • Rick and I can spend multiple days together! Because of our jobs and schedules, we don’t see each other every day of the week. There was a day Rick admitted he wasn’t used to seeing me so much. Yet, we are optimistic we can transition into a schedule where we see each other more … and it will be good.
  • During the last night we were there, I had a new project placed on my heart. I look forward to sharing more of this in future blogs.

I know it’s not always feasible to get completely away like we did for a week. We consider ourselves very fortunate to be able to do so. I pray that we will make Sabbath time a priority in 2017. There is much for us to discover about others and ourselves when we do so.

 Almighty God – What an interesting world that we live in! Thank you for the opportunity for us to discover and explore another part of the world. More importantly, time to recharge our souls, our marriage and our live in you.  Amen.

Blessings –


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Love Is for More than Valentine’s Day


Sun., Feb. 19, 2017

1 John 4:7-8 – My dear friends, we must love each other. Love comes from God, and when we love each other, it shows that we have been given new life. We are now God’s children, and we know him. God is love, and anyone who doesn’t love others has never known him.

My husband Rick and I have not always been very good about giving presents to each other. If either of us need something, we usually purchase it. Very blessed, we know others have more needs than we do. This is why we often buy gifts for others and call these our “presents” to each other.

Rick considers Valentine’s a “Hallmark holiday:” days for the benefit of card and candy companies. And it works! Rick couldn’t wait to tell me about his Monday afternoon. He stopped at Walgreens to purchase me a Valentine’s card. (Believe me … this is unusual!) The card aisle was shoulder-to-shoulder, filled with men! Three clerks were busily checking out the block-long line of men purchasing cards, including my hubby!

Actually, Rick had planned ahead. His present for me was completed a few days in advance. Because he would not be home on Valentine’s Day, he proudly had the bird house he made me hanging in the basement. He pinned a card to the outside, indicating I had to wait until Valentine’s Day to open. On Saturday night when I used the treadmill, I notice it. Yes, I waited until the 14th to open it.

I planned to work my part-time agriculture job on Tuesday. This office is just a mile from the farm that was Rick’s mom and dad’s place and is where he stays in-between work shifts. I opened the card before leaving for work. It immediately brought a smile to my face.

It was a birthday card. A couple years ago, I received a Christmas card on my birthday, which is a couple weeks after Christmas. The same year, on Valentine’s Day, I received my birthday card. Despite having a landmark birthday this year, I received a birthday card on Feb. 14.

Since I was working near the farm, Rick took me to lunch at a local bar/restaurant. He also produced his second surprise of the day: more wood slabs. A couple weeks earlier, I asked Rick to saw some wood slabs that I could use for decorating. These slabs are rather popular right now. Rather than buying one at a store, I knew Rick could make me some. The previous weekend, he had brought me a few Ash slabs. On Valentine’s Day, he had some Cherry versions, which would match some wood in our kitchen. A score for Rick!

Because of our schedules, quite often Rick and I don’t see each other on Valentine’s Day. I was so impressed when he shared at lunchtime that we could spend a few hours together in the evening. Our dear friend Don had passed away and his visitation was the evening of the 14th. Rick had arranged for a few hours off of work so we could go to the visitation. Some other friends had asked if we could have dinner together after the visitation. With Rick’s shorter shift, everything was a go.

We knew the visitation would be very busy. We were not disappointed. Our friends waited in line for an hour before we arrived. An hour plus later, we shared our condolences with Don’s family. Don’s love for the community, his church, people he met through his work (paid and volunteer) were so evident with the incredible line of people whose lives, like ours, had been touched by Don.

Valentine’s Day was capped off with a nice dinner and great conversation with our dear friends. Yes, the opportunity was created by Don’s sudden death. Yet, it seemed fitting. Taking time to be with folks we enjoy seemed terribly fitting.

I am a very fortunate woman. I have wonderful people in my life who love and care for me: my husband, who never ceases to amaze me with his silly and corny expressions of his love for me; dear friends whose connection is quick, even when it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. We must love each other, just as God loves us. This message simply never grows old, outdated or old-fashioned. One that too often gets overlook and shoved aside. One, I hope you are reminded of again this day.

Lord God – Thank you for loving us every single day, not just on Hallmark holidays. Thank you for sending us a reminder of your love for us in your Son, Jesus. May your example of love challenge us to love those around us.  Amen.

Blessings –


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